Hiro Hamada, a child genius who has graduated from high school at the age of 13 years, have an interest to join the university dimasukki by his brother, Tadashi Hamada. To be included, and continued his studies at the university, Hiro must presentation a finding as the entry exam. Hiro managed to create an interesting finding, and finally get a university acceptance letter, but a tragedy occurs that makes life Hiro changed.
Still in the sad, robot named Tadashi Baymax works actively to then help Hiro to get back to "healthy" by doing a variety of ways to heal, as well as finding a mysterious masked man who has stolen Kabuki and use the findings belong to Hiro for his personal interests. Who is the mysterious man and for what he had to use the invention belonging to Hiro that should have been ruined? Hiro was determined to find out with the help of four friends and their Baymax Tadashi university, Go Go, Wasabi, Honey Lemon and Fred.
The most prominent of the animated movie Big Hero 6 is the quality of the animation. The character design relatively simple, but capable of delivering unique to each character. Every expression and movement, as well as supported by the ability of the filler voice able to give the feel once the appropriate emotions in each scene .Story proposed in the Big Hero 6 short duration, relatively very simple and quite easy to guess. Even so, the film is able to give a feeling of emotion triggering the laughter will be the behavior of the characters, especially to be cute and adorable behavior of Baymax. This film does not offer a very detailed deepening will be the background of each character, but it did not become a fatal problem for Big Hero 6 itself is intended for the animation that can be digested easily to all ages. It is, of course, also supported by the moral values and messages that can be taken, especially those related to family and friends.
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