Selasa, 13 Desember 2016
Spirited Away tells the story of a girl named Chihiro who discovers a secret world full of fine spirits, monsters and witches. When his parents mysteriously turned into a pig, he had ventured to rescue his parents and returned to the human world despite having to live with the fine spirits and monsters every time could endanger his life.
When first watching this movie, this is definitely the first animated film made you will be amazed imagination is very high, both in the formation of character, story, and the place settings. Have you ever thought that there was a hot water bath to the gods and spirits fine? certainly never terfikirkan it at all in our minds, and it happened on this movie ... !!
Not quite got there just amazed if you watch the film, with character Chihiro plain you will be invited to go adventuring in a new world filled with adventure, love, and friendship. Tensions when Chihiro chased by monsters and when Chihiro alone for the first time in this mysterious world, you can feel very - very real.
In every minute of this movie, you will not guess what will happen next, and that's what makes the movie lasts 125 minutes would feel so little, because you will be invited to continue to think what would happen next, whether Chihiro survived or not? Who helps Chihiro? questions - questions that will arise in our minds.
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